- 30.06.2015EIB provides co-financing to national projects eligible for EU funds in Slovakia in the 2014-2020 Programming Period
- 30.06.2015EIB provides co-financing to national projects eligible for EU funds in Slovakia in the 2014 - 2020 Programming Period
- 19.06.2015Slovak Republic welcomes decision by the European Commission
- 06.03.2014Valid and effective international agreements in accordance with letter x) of article 2 of Act No. 595/2003 Income Tax Act
- 09.02.2011Debt and Liquidity Management Agency: Announcement for investors
- 21.09.2010IMF - Concluding Statement of the Mission
- 26.02.2010We Should Think About the Future
- 05.11.2009European Investment Fund signs agreements* for a EUR 100m JEREMIE holding fund to support businesses in Slovakia
- 22.09.2009Deposits are the cheapest resource
- 06.07.2009Slovak Republic increases funding for EBRD projects
- 14.01.2009The Banker : Jan Pociatek is „Best finance minister for year 2008 in Europe“
- 02.01.2009Bus Transport and Railroads at the Time of Euro Changeover
- 15.12.2008The EUR/SKK Conversion Rate Stands at 30.1260
- 24.09.2008Customs Duty: Topical Questions and Answers
- 24.09.2008Euro changeover: wages, pensions and social benefits
- 28.08.2008General Government Debt
- 04.06.2008Introduction of the euro and development of prices: Don’t let them mislead us
- 04.06.2008Slovakia Meets Criteria for Euro Adoption
- 26.02.2008Positive trend continues
- 26.02.2008Public finances: Focus on expenditures