Administrative Cooperation Act No. 442/2012 Coll. on international assistance and cooperation in tax administration (278kB) Actual document 9675 WARNING: You must have JavaScript allowed for sending the form. If your browser does't support JavaScript you can deactivate form protection. Act No. 466/2009 Coll. on International Assistance for the Recovery of Certain Financial Claims (236kB) Actual document 9676 WARNING: You must have JavaScript allowed for sending the form. If your browser does't support JavaScript you can deactivate form protection. Act No. 250/2022 Coll. amending the Act No. 442/2012 Coll. on international assistance and cooperation in tax administration, as amended, and laying down amendments to certain laws (491kB) Actual document 45081 WARNING: You must have JavaScript allowed for sending the form. If your browser does't support JavaScript you can deactivate form protection. Act No. 359/2016 Coll. on automatic exchange of financial account information in the field of taxation and on the amendment to certain acts (314kB) Actual document 45082 WARNING: You must have JavaScript allowed for sending the form. If your browser does't support JavaScript you can deactivate form protection.