European and International Affairs Relations with EU Institutions ECOFIN Council Transposition of EU Directives Financial Relations with EU EU Budget Budget Committee of the Council Multiannual Financial Framework – MFF The sources of revenues for the EU budget Own resources The annual budgetary procedure Useful information about the EU budget International Financial Institutions Bretton Woods Institutions International Monetary Fund - IMF The World Bank Group - WBG Council of Europe Development Bank - CEB European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD European Investment Bank - EIB European Investment Fund - EIF Pan-European Guarantee Fund (EGF) International Bank fоr Economic Co-operation - IBEC International Investment Bank - IIB Nordic Investment Bank - NIB International Organizations Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD Rating Agencies Development Cooperation Public Financial Management Support Private Sector Opportunities and Innovations Support Bilateral Cooperation