The Export - Import Bank of the Slovak Republic
head of the organisation:
Representation of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic in the control body:
Grösslingová 1, 813 50 Bratislava
02/59 398 111
02/59 391 624
Ing. Rastislav Podhorec, MBA - Bank Board Chair, CEO
JUDr. Ing. Andrea Holíková, Ing. Marián Podolák, Ing. Roman Turok-Heteš – Members of the Supervisory Board
The Export - Import Bank of the Slovak Republic (EXIMBANKA) was established by Act No. 80/1997 Coll. on the Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic as amended.
In accordance with the state foreign, foreign trade, financial, economic and monetary policy and in accordance with the law of the European Community and the European Union and with the obligations arising from the membership of the Slovak Republic in the international organisations to which it is bound, Eximbanka supports the foreign trade operations of exporters and importers with the intention to increase the competitiveness of domestic goods and services and to support the mutual economic exchange of the Slovak Republic with foreign countries.