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Interim State budget execution

Name of the Budget item Budget plan 2024 25.07.2024 24.07.2024 23.07.2024 22.07.2024 19.07.2024 18.07.2024 17.07.2024 16.07.2024 15.07.2024 12.07.2024 11.07.2024 10.07.2024 09.07.2024 08.07.2024 04.07.2024 03.07.2024 02.07.2024 01.07.2024
Revenue, total 22,701,961 10,684,438 10,527,659 10,435,800 10,334,896 10,217,757 10,597,155 10,572,738 10,556,228 10,525,157 10,496,217 10,461,829 10,413,741 10,354,966 10,299,908 10,295,022 10,249,853 10,170,810 9,957,070
of which:
1. Taxe revenue 18,633,856 9,518,054 9,371,380 9,284,238 9,203,879 9,175,709 9,556,590 9,538,647 9,528,994 9,499,479 9,476,092 9,443,465 9,396,386 9,339,696 9,286,500 9,283,237 9,239,037 9,195,748 8,983,301
of which:
corporate income tax 4,475,610 2,600,725 2,584,363 2,576,389 2,572,610 2,588,499 2,577,157 2,577,485 2,583,109 2,589,021 2,598,534 2,611,354 2,621,624 2,632,219 2,637,304 2,630,122 2,622,761 2,610,179 2,432,566
- corporate income tax, totall 4,813,533 2,938,648 2,922,286 2,914,312 2,910,533 2,926,422 2,915,080 2,915,408 2,921,032 2,926,944 2,936,457 2,949,277 2,959,547 2,970,142 2,975,227 2,968,045 2,960,684 2,948,102 2,770,489
- transfer of corporate income tax to self-government units -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923
personal income tax 3,529,080 1,755,547 1,754,430 1,753,414 1,759,278 1,757,984 1,759,312 1,757,913 1,756,268 1,746,438 1,723,693 1,687,689 1,650,103 1,600,411 1,558,060 1,530,077 1,506,796 1,494,338 1,474,902
(-transfer to self-administration budget) -3,552,003 -1,914,573 -1,914,573 -1,914,573 -1,914,573 -1,914,573 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070 -1,578,070
income tax charged as a discount 415,070 323,454 323,211 323,024 322,795 322,542 322,213 321,566 321,255 316,788 309,182 300,905 299,343 297,996 296,012 292,270 291,373 289,567 288,493
value added tax 9,827,000 4,896,600 4,794,268 4,823,556 4,751,838 4,711,302 4,767,704 4,752,940 4,743,335 4,725,338 4,726,611 4,727,691 4,710,720 4,694,844 4,681,456 4,717,992 4,706,266 4,692,888 4,681,199
excise tax 2,778,568 1,431,501 1,406,982 1,300,903 1,295,879 1,294,101 1,293,611 1,293,327 1,292,803 1,290,968 1,290,904 1,289,949 1,288,992 1,288,859 1,288,749 1,288,556 1,288,416 1,285,759 1,285,990
vehicle tax 138,853 103,304 102,234 101,953 101,797 101,666 101,555 101,354 101,206 100,951 100,766 100,541 100,291 100,057 99,842 99,685 99,483 99,212 98,224
insurance tax 106,971 59,079 58,802 58,534 58,479 58,417 58,091 57,986 57,709 56,669 56,601 56,103 56,081 56,078 55,851 55,847 55,845 55,713 55,510
other tax revenue 914,707 262,416 261,662 261,037 255,776 255,771 255,018 254,146 251,379 251,376 247,871 247,303 247,302 247,303 247,295 246,759 246,167 246,162 244,488
2. Nontax revenue 1,549,566 786,435 776,330 771,614 764,467 681,498 680,016 673,542 666,684 665,130 659,604 657,843 656,836 654,764 652,904 651,282 650,313 614,559 613,269
of this:
dividends 436,477 81,841 81,841 81,841 81,841 2,940 2,940 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,680 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253
other forms of business 86,192 5,624 5,598 5,575 5,544 5,497 5,394 5,378 5,309 5,276 5,182 5,159 5,103 5,073 5,057 5,040 5,023 4,993 4,980
administrative fees and charges 397,362 234,482 233,925 233,448 233,141 232,082 231,319 229,126 222,849 221,610 219,145 218,146 217,493 216,832 215,701 214,867 214,185 213,075 212,263
gambling levy 321,467 190,115 183,045 179,341 173,567 173,566 173,566 173,566 173,463 173,453 172,703 172,684 172,684 172,684 172,684 172,684 172,683 172,683 172,356
3. Grants and transfers 2,518,539 379,949 379,949 379,948 366,550 360,550 360,549 360,549 360,549 360,549 360,521 360,521 360,518 360,506 360,503 360,503 360,503 360,503 360,501
of this:
from EU budget 1,237,239 333,351 333,351 333,351 319,954 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953 313,953
from RRF* 1,215,402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Expenditure, total 30,317,891 15,625,476 15,594,658 15,562,709 15,548,277 15,526,044 15,495,598 15,351,864 15,332,834 15,305,358 15,258,423 14,975,773 14,912,082 14,746,582 14,575,227 14,392,810 14,204,647 13,925,809 13,812,644
of which:
1. Current expenditure 27,190,658 14,637,585 14,607,977 14,586,021 14,574,355 14,553,553 14,536,434 14,399,541 14,380,669 14,358,870 14,339,389 14,072,567 14,010,905 13,852,870 13,684,243 13,504,004 13,335,746 13,122,693 13,017,160
of this:
wages and salaries 3,135,966 1,567,292 1,567,226 1,567,303 1,566,798 1,566,797 1,563,009 1,563,596 1,563,602 1,563,851 1,563,442 1,554,157 1,539,379 1,432,757 1,324,726 1,305,351 1,285,211 1,280,386 1,276,638
social and health contributions 1,170,281 584,202 583,628 583,654 583,476 583,480 581,931 581,730 581,730 581,486 580,961 577,668 565,408 532,990 494,454 487,829 480,505 478,596 477,375
goods and services 3,361,755 1,036,939 1,032,159 1,027,398 1,022,858 1,016,358 1,009,532 1,005,149 1,000,263 993,875 989,700 980,870 970,427 959,983 954,395 950,165 945,775 941,662 935,710
transfers 19,522,456 11,449,052 11,424,865 11,407,566 11,401,123 11,386,818 11,381,862 11,248,966 11,234,974 11,219,559 11,205,187 10,959,772 10,935,592 10,927,039 10,910,568 10,760,559 10,624,156 10,421,949 10,327,338
2. Capital expenditure 3,127,233 987,891 986,681 976,688 973,921 972,491 959,165 952,323 952,166 946,488 919,034 903,206 901,177 893,712 890,984 888,807 868,901 803,117 795,484
of which:
purchase of non-financial assets 2,086,202 147,597 147,120 145,874 144,520 143,439 142,556 142,064 142,780 139,245 135,675 133,342 132,406 127,980 127,323 126,546 122,062 120,168 119,582
capital transfers 1,041,031 840,294 839,561 830,814 829,402 829,052 816,608 810,259 809,386 807,243 783,359 769,865 768,771 765,732 763,662 762,261 746,839 682,948 675,902
Deficit (-) / Surplus (+) -7,615,930 -4,941,038 -5,066,999 -5,126,909 -5,213,381 -5,308,288 -4,898,443 -4,779,127 -4,776,607 -4,780,201 -4,762,206 -4,513,944 -4,498,341 -4,391,616 -4,275,320 -4,097,788 -3,954,794 -3,754,999 -3,855,574

* Recovery and Resilience Facility