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We thank our colleagues from the Financial Administration

Last update: 26.01.2023 11:00

Today marks International Customs Day. Despite the fact that the name "customs officer" is no longer officially used in our country and "customs officers" are part of our Financial Administration, the international day is one of their biggest holidays.

It is also an opportunity for us, as the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, to remind ourselves of the important role played by the Financial Administration in the functioning of the state and at the same time to thank our colleagues for the protection of Slovak borders, especially in the shadow of the conflict in Ukraine, but also for the assistance to the most vulnerable who needed it the most when fleeing the war.

During the ceremony, we honoured 41 employees of the Financial Administration who received significant awards from the hands of President Jiří Žežulka. The employees were awarded for their many years of dedicated work in the fight against tax fraud or for the positive changes that have improved the functioning of the Financial Administration as a whole. Among the awardees were employees who were directly involved in uncovering the biggest cases.

Besides the President of the Financial Administration, the award ceremony was also attended by Prime Minister Eduard Heger, in charge of the Ministry of Finance, and State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Marcel Klimek.

International Customs Day was proclaimed in 1983 to commemorate the anniversary of the first meeting of the Customs Cooperation Council. It is commemorated by organisations around the world, also with the support of the Brussels-based World Customs Organization (WCO).

Press Department
Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic