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Methodological Documents

Content of Project Proposal and Criteria for its Selection – contains mechanism for the selection of project proposals submitted by contracting authorities applying for the consultation and financial assistance from the Technical Assistance Scheme for PPP

Codex for Management of PPP Project– is intended for all contracting authorities regardless of applying for consultation and financial assistance from the Technical Assistance Scheme for PPP. The document describes the organizational framework and rules for preparation of a PPP project based on best international practice.
Approach to Management of Risks in PPP Projects – basic methodological instrument to identify, evaluate, and optimal allocation of risks in PPP projects.

Feasibility Study and Public Sector Comparator– content and requirements. This methodological document defines  compulsory requirements on  feasibility study of a PPP project. Feasibility study analyzes financial, technical and legal feasibility of a project and is elaborated prior to procurement of the project. Financial model that verifies whether project delivery via PPP provides better value for money to public sector than conventional procurement. This methodological document is binding for every contracting authority applying for consultation and financial assistance from the Technical Assistance
Scheme for PPP administrated by Ministry of Finance and all central government administration bodies.
Process of PPP project preparation and implementation and control process. Methodological document that provides overview on process of PPP project  preparation and implementation on a step by step bases (going through various stages). Working through the stages and answering control questions will ensure that PPP project is prepared to move forward to the next stage. This document also describes the approval procedure of PPP project by respective body depending on who is the contrasting authority preparing the PPP project. This methodological document is binding for every  contracting authority applying for consultation and financial support from the Technical Assistance Scheme for PPPs administrated by Ministry of Finance and all central government administration bodies.

Methodological document Guidance on how to select an advisor for preparation and implementation of a PPP project – is intended for all contracting authorities and its objective is to provide practical tool for public procurement for selection of an advisor for PPP project Advisor shall provides to contracting authority specific consultancy in the stage of preparation and implementation of PPP project. This guidance provides standard examples of fundamental documents essential for a correct public procurement.
Guidance is primarily intended for middle-sized PPP projects. With certain adjustments it could also be used for smaller-sized projects. This methodological document is purely recommendatory.

Act No. 25/2006 Coll. on public procurement and on the amendment of certain laws, as amended by  subsequent acts
Act No. 523/2004 Coll. on budgetary rules for the public administration bodies and on the amendment of certain laws, amended by  subsequent acts
Act No. 583/2004 Coll. on budgetary rules for the self-governing territorial units and on the amendment of certain laws, amended by  subsequent acts
Decree of Government of SR No. 609/2009 Analysis of legal enactments in reference to the feasibility of PPP projects in Slovak republic and concept of legislative proposals in the are of PPPs– a comprehensive analysis of legal enactments regulating PPPs and amendments of legislation based on this analysis, e.g.: amendment of the acts on public procurement, on budgetary rules for the public administration bodies and for the self-governing territorial units, accounting regulation, regulation of income tax, building law, bankruptcy act, etc.

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Ministry of Finance
of the Slovak republic

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